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This chain was started in the hope of bringing happiness to a diver. Unlike most chains it doesn't require money. Simply send a copy of this to five diver friends, then bundle up your wife and send her to the fellow whose name heads the list. When your name reaches the top of the list, you will receive 16,268 women, and some of them should be dandies---------
Have faith. Don't break the chain----- (One man broke it and got his wife back.)
A puzzling discovery was found in the mountains of southern California. Fire authorities found a corpse in a burnt out section of forest while assessing the damage done by a forest fire. The deceased male was found in the top of a tree, dressed in a full wetsuit, complete with tank, fins, mask and snorkel.
It was found that on the day of the fire, the deceased diver went on a diving trip some 35 miles away from the fire. The fire was fought with a fleet of helicopters with very large buckets. The helicopters would dip their buckets into the ocean, carry the water to the forest fire, and drop the water on the fire.
The diver was accidentally scooped up in a bucket while he was diving and carried off, only to be dropped onto a forest fire. Authorities are not sure how much effect the diver had on putting out the fire.
Warm pee in a cold wetsuit.
(It's okay to pee in your own wetsuit, but it is kinky to pee in someone else's wetsuit.)
Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus
Self-Contained Underwater Heating Apparatus
Single male diver --- looking for unattached mermaid.
Chicken of the sea!
When a diver sees a shark, the diver cuts his buddy, then leaves!
Send four skin divers.
Because B-shells are too small and D-shells are too big!
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